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随着我国教育改革的深化,素质教育成为教育的重心,而作为素质教育主阵地的初中英语教学,则担起探索实践新模式的重任。现如今,教育质量的高低取决于所采用的教学方式,新颖合宜的方式将会使教学如虎添翼,事半功倍。因此,对于初中英语教学,应将新型有效的教学方式贯彻到实处,积极使用互动教学与小组合作化学习的模式,来提高整体教学质量,使得教育改革朝着更完善的方向发展。 With the deepening of China’s education reform, quality education has become the focus of education, and as the main front of quality education, junior high school English teaching, it takes the task of exploring a new model of practice. Nowadays, the quality of education depends on the teaching methods adopted, and new and appropriate ways will make teaching even more powerful and multiplier. Therefore, for junior high school English teaching, a new and effective teaching method should be implemented and the interactive teaching and group cooperation learning mode should be actively used to improve the overall teaching quality so as to make the education reform develop in a more perfect direction.