
来源 :中国花卉园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haru
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全球金融危机对实体经济影响的不断加深,受到人民币升值、消费者购买力下降等影响外,国内的花卉市场也不尽如人意。零售市场:人气冷清利难觅金融危机的影响直接体现在花卉产业的终端——花卉市场。2008年12月初,记者走进北京莱太花卉市场,亲身感受了市场的销售氛围。 The impact of the global financial crisis on the real economy has been deepening. Influenced by the revaluation of the renminbi and the declining purchasing power of consumers, the domestic flower market is also not satisfactory. Retail market: popularity of cold-hard to find the impact of the financial crisis directly reflected in the flower industry terminal - flower market. At the beginning of December 2008, the reporter walked into Lai Tai Flower Market in Beijing and personally experienced the sales atmosphere in the market.
将苯肼加热至 5 0℃ ,与丁酮酰胺反应 ,可直接得到易达拉封 ,收率达 97%。 Phenylhydrazine will be heated to 50 ° C, and butanone amide reaction can be easily acces
Objective To reduce the execution time of neural network training. Methods Parallel particle swarm optimization algorithm based on master-slave model is propose
The expert system is an important field of the artificial intelligence. The traditional interface of the expert system is the command, menu and window at presen
依从性是药物治疗中重要环节之一 ,为提高病员依从性 ,执业药师作用不应忽视 ,且在药品生产流通至最后应用各个环节执业药师起着重要作用 ,现就二者关系作一评估。药品生产企
(上接2002年第3期第64页)58 世界第一台计算机诞生于 1958年 1946年 1967年 1972年 1946年评析: