At around 3 o’clock on December 30, 2003, as the first of the two satellites involved in “Double Star” project, “Probe No.1” (also known as “TC-1”) was successfully launched into its preset orbit by a Long March 2C/SM carrier rocket at Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in Sichuan Province of China, hence marking the success of a key stage of the project.Following an orbit with an apogee more than twice as high as that of the geosynchronous orbit, the equatorial orbiting Probe .No. 1 monitors an important area of the magnetic field of the Earth that no satellites has ever covered. As the
At around 3 o’clock on December 30, 2003, as the first of the two satellites involved in “Double Star” project, “Probe No.1” (also known as “TC-1 ”) was successfully launched into its preset orbit by a Long March 2C / SM carrier rocket at Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in Sichuan Province of China, marking the success of a key stage of the project .Following an orbit with an apogee more than twice as high as that of the geosynchronous orbit, the equatorial orbiting Probe. No. 1 monitors an important area of the magnetic field of the Earth that no satellites has ever covered. As the