Solid state fermentation of rapeseed cake with Aspergillus niger for degrading glucosinolates and up

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luannj
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Background:Rapeseed cake is a good source of protein for animal feed but its utilization is limited due to the presence of anti-nutritional substances,such as glucosinolates(GIs),phytic acid,tannins etc.In the present study,a solid state fermentation(SSF)
Humans and animals are in regular and at times close contact in modern intensive farming systems.The quality of human-animal interactions can have a profound im
<正> 凤滩水电厂四台100MW水轮发电机组。安装在大坝空腹内,水轮机顶盖高程低于机组下游尾水位,其顶盖积水的排放方式为:顶盖积水经四块固定导叶中开的排水孔流入蜗壳层廊道,
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<正> 一、前言 三块石电站1~#、2~#水轮发电机组、系天津发电设备厂1978年生产制造的ZZ560—LH—250水轮机带TS425—32/32—3200kW发电机。1~#机自1979年安装投运17年,已发电
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