山茶花孕育生长在连绵叠翠的群山之中,云滋雾养。从花开到采摘,历经冬、春、夏、秋四季,饱含日月之精华,天地之灵气,营养价值非一般植物可比,远古即被视为山珍贡品。茶油是从山茶科(camellia)油茶(camellia oleifera abel)树种子中获得的,是我国最古老的食用植物油之一。中国历代药典,《本草纲目》、《中国医药宝典》、《中华药海》、《农政全书》、《纲目拾遗》、《天工开物》等记载:长期食用山茶油,有“明目亮发,
Camellia bred in the growth of the rolling among the mountains, cloud Ziyun raise. From flowers to picking, after winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons, full of the essence of the sun and the moon, heaven and earth aura, nutritional value of non-ordinary plants comparable to the ancient that is regarded as tribute tribute. Tea oil is obtained from camellia oleifera abel tree seeds and is one of the oldest edible vegetable oils in the country. Chinese Pharmacopoeia, ”Compendium of Materia Medica“, ”Chinese Medicine Collection“, ”Chinese medicine sea“, ”the whole book of agriculture,“ ”Compendium of Supplements,“ ”Heavenly Creations" and other records: long-term consumption of camellia oil, Head bright hair,