随着工业化、商业化进程的加速 ,一方面女性获得了更大、更普遍的自由 ,另一方面 ,它也预示着对女性新的、更大的压迫的到来 ,部分女性再次沦为暴力与绝望的承受者。《小姐你早》就是对女性在这一新形势下的人生困境及左冲右突的记录 ,它无情地瓦解了池莉以往文本中所建立起来的平民式的“家”的神话 ,书写现代都市中姐妹情谊的温暖与力量 ,从而完成池莉对自我的突破与超越
With the acceleration of industrialization and commercialization, on the one hand, women have gained greater and more universal freedom. On the other hand, it also indicates the arrival of new and greater oppression on women, with some women once again becoming violent and Desperate bear. “Miss you are early” is a record of the plight of women in the new situation in this new situation and the right and left, which mercilessly disintegrated the myth of the civilian-like “home” built up in Chi Li’s past writings and wrote the modern metropolis In the warmth and strength of sisterhood, in order to complete Chi Li’s self breakthrough and beyond