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文化建设需要全部社会成员的重视与投入,在这一过程中,理论引导的重要性是不言而喻的,而文化强国目标的实现更需要我们以切实的文化实践来达成。要重视美术理论与美术实践的结合,没有理论修养的提高,就不可能有高水平的实践,也就不可能产生真正的艺术家。没有高水平的艺术家,就不可能对社会文化产生良好的影响,文化强国就是一句空话。本期刊发林木的《文化强国思潮中的理论反省》,文章回顾了近代以来漠视乃至蔑视中华五千年文化的现象,指出文化强国首先要做的事就是对错误理论的清理与反省。钱海源的《美术家应当为“文化强国”尽责》指出,历史的经验值得注意,要重视发展文化艺术,建设21世纪伟大的中华民族新文化。乔东义、陈振路的《宗白华中国画学思想诠要》,从宗白华有关中国画论的研究视角出发,揭示了宗白华精深博赡的美学思想之一隅。冯亚君的《书法中锋用笔考辨》对前人“中锋”用笔的描述做了归纳与分析,也揭示了“侧锋”用笔在书法笔法中不可回避的现实。 The construction of culture needs the attention and input of all members of the society. In this process, the importance of theoretical guidance is self-evident. However, the realization of the goal of strengthening the country by culture requires us to reach practical cultural practices. To attach importance to the combination of art theory and art practice, without the improvement of theoretical training, it is impossible to have a high level of practice, it is impossible to produce a real artist. Without a high level of artists, it is impossible to have a good social and cultural impact, cultural power is an empty talk. This issue of the “Tree of Thought of Cultural Powers in Ideological Reflection” in the current issue is a review of the phenomenon of ignoring or even despising the 5,000-year-long Chinese culture since the modern era and pointing out that the first thing a cultural power must do is to clean up and reflect on the mistaken theory. Qian Haiyuan’s “Artists Should Become Cultural Strong Power” and “Diligence” pointed out that the historical experience deserves our attention. We should attach importance to the development of culture and art and the great new Chinese culture in the 21st century. Qiao Dong-yi and Chen Zhen-lu’s “Interpretation of Zong Baihua’s Chinese Painting Theory” from the perspective of Zong Baihua’s research on Chinese painting theory reveals the corner of Zong Baihua’s profound aesthetic ideas. Feng Yajun’s Calligraphy Center for the Examination of Speakers by Pens made a conclusion and analysis of the description of his predecessor “center ” and also revealed the unavoidable reality of “side-front ” with calligraphy.
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