In order to improve the survival rate of walnut grafting, shorten the seedling cycle and speed up the development of woody oilseed species, we conducted the grafting experiment of walnut seedlings in Shandong Agricultural College in December 1978. After the test results were first obtained, and in Longning County, Henan Province, Changshui Brigade conducted a plastic greenhouse and field experiments. Through a year of continuous test results, we believe that this method is effective, compared with the seedling grafting shorten the breeding period of one year. First, seedling anvil cultivation with local walnut rootstocks. Before sowing, the walnut soak with warm water 5-8 days (depending on the thickness of the shell), change the water 1 times a day, when part of walnut sowing after sowing. Anvil seedlings are grown in a greenhouse (late January to March 20, 1979) or in the field (late March) (time depends on local climatic conditions). Walnut broadcast on vermiculite