1 引言“我国标准与国际国外先进标准比对分析及对策研究”是“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点专项“关键技术标准推进工程”的第21课题,研究了标准比对的通用方法与技术;选择对我国经济和社会发展具有重要影响的14个具体领域进行标准体系和典型标准的比对分析;掌握各领域的
1 Introduction “The comparison and analysis of China’s standards and international advanced standards and countermeasures” is the 21th issue of the “Eleventh Five-year” key special projects of “National Key Technology Standards” and “the promotion of key technical standards”. The standard Comparison and comparison of common methods and techniques; select the 14 specific areas that have an important impact on China’s economic and social development of the standard system and comparison of typical standards; master the various fields