In 1985, I may have a reason to start my speech at the Beijing Fragrant Hill Conference held by the Ministry of Education. In the absence of any ideological preparation and academic preparation, I was appointed as the headmaster of Jianping Middle School in Shanghai. When teachers, my goal is to become China’s best teacher; when the principal, my pursuit is to allow quality education into the homes of ordinary people. Unforeseen is that after an ideal, my pursuit of life, so far I am still on the road ahead. It is my rule of man to recognize others’ work, trust the existence of others, and understand the difficulties of others. There is no ideal platform for development. Any development is going through difficulties, let alone education. The immediate objective of education is to help students advance to high-quality upper secondary schools. The ultimate goal of education is to help students acquire social careers suited to their development and achieve professional achievements. Based on this, schools can not have no entrance rate, no further entrance rate, but no further entrance rate. Not improve every year