Fabrication of 2D C_f/SiC Composites by Liquid Silicon Infiltration

来源 :Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxsj002
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The carbon/carbon(C/C) composite was prepared by repeatedly overlapping the layers of 2D carbon cloths, and the 2D C_f/SiC composites were subsequently prepared in vacuum by a liquid silicon infiltration process. The flexural strength of samples obtained under different preparation conditions was investigated. The results show that the composite has a better performance when the mass of silicon powder is 1.5 times greater than that of C/C composite, the temperature of silicon infiltration is 1550 ℃ and the holding time of silicon infiltration is 3 h. The density and flexural strength of the composite are 2.15 g/cm~3 and 128 MPa, respectively, and the thickness of the SiC layer is 12 μm. The carbon / carbon (C / C) composite was prepared by repeatedly overlapping the layers of 2D carbon cloths, and the 2D C_f / SiC composites were prepared in vacuum by a liquid silicon infiltration process. The flexural strength of samples was obtained under different preparation conditions was investigated. The results show that the composite has a better performance when the mass of silicon powder is 1.5 times greater than that of C / C composite, the temperature of silicon infiltration is 1550 ° C. and the holding time of silicon infiltration is 3 h The density and flexural strength of the composite are 2.15 g / cm ~ 3 and 128 MPa, respectively, and the thickness of the SiC layer is 12 μm.
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