精神发育迟滞(Mcntal Rctardation MR)在儿童中发生率很高,给家庭及社会造成了极大的负担。其病因复杂.近年来文献报道,微量元素与神经系统的功能和结构密切相关。研究微量元素与MR的关系为临床筛查、诊断和治疗该病提供科学依据是很有意义的.本研究测定了MR患儿血清、红细胞、全血及头发中的微量元素,现将两个单位结果综合报告如下.
The incidence of mental retardation (Mcntal Rctardation MR) is high among children, posing a heavy burden on families and the community. Its etiology is complicated.In recent years, it has been reported in the literature that trace elements are closely related to the function and structure of the nervous system. The study of the relationship between trace elements and MR for clinical screening, diagnosis and treatment of the disease provide scientific basis is of great significance.This study measured MR children with serum, red blood cells, whole blood and hair trace elements, now two The consolidated results of the unit results are as follows.