20 0 3年 9~ 1 0月 ,玻利维亚爆发大规模的群众抗议活动 ,反对政府的天然气出口计划。由于政府的镇压 ,群众的抗议活动升级 ,最终导致洛萨达总统下台。此次的天然气管道风波之所以引发剧烈的政治动荡 ,有其深刻的政治经济原因 ,是近年国内经济、社会及民族矛盾长期累积的结果。洛萨达总统的辞职并没有使国内的政治经济及社会矛盾得到解决。这些矛盾对玻利维亚政治的发展仍构成严峻的挑战。
From September to October 2010, large-scale mass protests broke out in Bolivia, opposing the government’s gas export plan. Due to the government’s crackdown, protests by the masses escalated and led to the resignation of President Losada. The reason why the turmoil in the natural gas pipeline caused violent political turmoil has its profound political and economic reasons. This is the result of the long-term accumulation of the domestic economic, social and ethnic conflicts in recent years. The resignation of President Losada did not solve the domestic political, economic and social conflicts. These contradictions pose a serious challenge to Bolivia’s political development.