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目的通过对宁夏银川市兴庆、金凤、西夏3个区开展病媒生物调查,分析银川市2006-2010年鼠、蚊、蝇和蜚蠊的发生动态,为病媒生物防治及其传播疾病的控制提供依据。方法鼠和蜚蠊密度全年监测,分别选择夹夜法和粘蟑纸法调查;成蚊及蝇密度监测时间为5-10月,分别选择人工小时法和笼诱法调查。结果银川市蚊、蝇和蜚蠊密度2006-2010年年际间消长呈单峰型曲线,高峰值出现在2009年,2010年密度均有不同程度下降;鼠类平均密度为0.46%,在每年3-5月和9-10月出现2个高峰,城市以褐家鼠为优势种,农村自然村以小家鼠为优势种;蚊类平均密度为2.87只/人工小时,高峰期在每年的7-8月,优势种为淡色库蚊,占捕获总数的92.90%,中华按蚊、三带喙库蚊构成比逐渐上升;蝇密度高峰期出现在每年的7-9月,家蝇、绿蝇、麻蝇为优势种;蜚蠊平均密度为1.66只/张,平均侵害率17.14%,每年4-6月和9-11月出现2个高峰,德国小蠊为优势种,占捕获总数的91.42%,美洲大蠊构成比逐年上升。结论 2010年银川市对病媒生物的控制有效,但仍需加强病媒生物高峰季节前的控制;褐家鼠、淡色库蚊、家蝇、绿蝇、麻蝇、德国小蠊为银川市优势种,与此相关的传播疾病危险性增强,建议加强对病媒生物及其传播疾病的长期监测、预警、控制对策和措施的研究工作。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the occurrence and development of rats, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches in Yinchuan from 2006 to 2010 in Xingqing, Jinfeng and Xixia, Ningxia. Provide the basis for the control. Methods Rat and Cockroach density were monitored throughout the year. The method of clouding and sticky cockroach was selected respectively. The density of adult mosquitoes and flies was monitored from May to October. Artificial hour method and cage induction method were selected respectively. Results The density of mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches in Yinchuan during the period from 2006 to 2010 showed a unimodal curve. The peak appeared in 2009 and the density of 2010 decreased to different extents. The average density of rodents was 0.46% There were two peaks in March-May and September-October. The dominant species was Rattus norvegicus in the city, and Mus musculus was the dominant species in the rural natural villages. The average density of mosquitoes was 2.87 per artificial hour and the annual peak was 7 - In August, the dominant species was Culex pipiens pallens, accounting for 92.90% of the total catch. The composition ratio of Anopheles sinensis and Culex tritaeniorhynchus increased gradually. The peak of the density of flies occurred from July to September each year. Musca domestica, The average density of cockroaches was 1.66 per plant and the average infestation rate was 17.14%. There were two peaks in April-June and September-November each year. Blattella germanica was the dominant species, accounting for 91.42% of the total, Periplaneta americana composition ratio increased year by year. Conclusion The control of vector organisms in Yinchuan was effective in 2010, but the control before vector peak season still needed to be strengthened. The dominant species such as Rattus norvegicus, Culex pipiens pallens, Musca domestica, Lucilia serrata, Musca domestica and Blattella germanica were the dominant species in Yinchuan In this connection, the risk of transmitted diseases is enhanced. It is suggested to strengthen the research work on the long-term monitoring, early warning, control measures and measures for vector organisms and their transmitted diseases.
为了探寻土层和水层深度对杂草稻种群出苗的影响,以中国15个杂草稻种群为研究对象,测定了它们在湿润条件不同播种深度(0~3 cm)、淹水条件下不同播种深度(0~3 cm)和不同淹水深度(0~3 c