中国正处于由传统司法向现代司法转型的关键期,网络社会极大地改变了原有的信息表达、商谈互动方式,也使司法公信力的生成具有新的特性、形成新的挑战。随着司法权在不同社会形态中的运行,司法权自身大致经历了从司法权力(强权)到司法权威再到司法公信力的变迁。不同的社会形态中,从司法权力到司法公信力的递进表现出不同的特性和路径,社会形态结构以不同的方式型塑着司法并与之产生一种互动效应。基于网络社会特性所产生的聚焦效应、极化效应、反沉默螺旋效应及循环反馈效应,通过信息传播、互动交流及固化定型作用于公众的司法认知心理。在应对双重转型对于司法公信力的挑战时,除应从司法主体自身的信用能力、信用责任等内因入手外,也应重视公信力生成的外部环境因素的影响。可从三方面着手:探索网络社会特性,引导、规制网络社会,推动网络社会规则形成;秉持司法独立,推行司法公开透明,增进理解信任;保持开放心态,拓宽沟通渠道,强化互动协商。“,”China is in a critical period of transition from traditional judicial justice to modern ones.The network society has greatly changed the original information expression and the way of discussion interaction, forming new features and challenges in judicial credibility generation.With the judicial power operating in dif-ferent social forms,judicial power itself generally has gone through the changes from the judicial power to the judicial authority and then to the public credibility of the judiciary.In the different forms of society,the pro-gression from the judicial power to the public credibility of the judiciary showed different characteristics and paths,and the social structure shaped the judicial through different ways and they had an interactive effect with each other.The focalization effect,the polarization effect,the anti-spiral of silence effect and feedback effect generated on the basis of network society charateristics produce influence on public judicial cognition psychology through the dissemination of information,communication and the accumulation.Faced with the challenge of the double transformation,the society should not only pay attention to internal causes of judiciary itself,but also value the effect of the external environments.We should explore the characteristics of the net-work society,guide and regulate the network society,and promote the formation of a network of social rules.It is vital to uphold the principle of judicial independence,promote the judicial transparency,and strengthen the mutual understanding and trust,and also to keep an open mind,broaden the channels of communication,and strengthen the negotiation.