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  digital nomad,即數字游民,指的是网络时代那些工作生活无定所,却乐得逍遥自在的人。他们大多是自由职业者,只要有电脑、有网络,他们就能停留;“全部身家就是个行李箱”的生活也使他们习惯并享受着随走随停的乐趣。然而,这种工作生活方式也有一定弊端,比如孤独感和不良的生活习惯。幸运的是,有一种办法能帮你解决问题,那就是coworking(联合办公)。
  Nomads have been roaming the earth for centuries, living off the land but never having a permanent home.1 One can easily envision the Mongolian tribes surviving the cold winters in their yurts, or the Bedouins herding sheep or goats across the Arabian Peninsula.2
  The word nomad is derived from the Greek word “nomas”, meaning one who wanders in search of pasture3. There are three types of nomad that are well-documented in history. First are the hunter-gatherers, who moved from place to place as different seasons yielded different animals, vegetables and fruit to subsist on. Second are the pastoralists4, who travel around seeking pastures for their livestock. Finally, there are the peripatetic5 nomads who use their specialized skills to travel and work wherever they go. All three still exist today, but since the onset6 of industrialization, the latter is the most common.
  However, there is a fourth type of nomad that has emerged in the last decade: the digital nomad. This is a person who is free to travel and live wherever he desires, given there are two things available: a computer and a decent7 Internet connection.
  Digital nomads are people who don’t want the typical 9-to-5 work life. Through the use of technology, they instead opt for a lifestyle that allows for a flexible schedule and the freedom to choose their own workload and working hours. And while they are accountable to whoever hires them, they can avoid the daily doldrums8 of the office.
  The number of digital nomads in the world is hard to count, but this trend is on the rise. If you were to travel to Southeast Asia, for example, to a country like Thailand, chances are you will see a digital nomad. It could be someone working on their computer in a local coffee shop or restaurant. Or laying on the beach under an umbrella with a laptop and a cool drink.
  “Workers are becoming more confident in their employment options,”says Sara Sutton Fell, the founder and CEO of FlexJobs, a website that posts job listings to those seeking flexible, often remote, work arrangements. She adds: “[People are] ready to take advantage of a stronger job market to find a flexible job that better suits their lives.”
  As more people are looking beyond the conventional office job in favor of something more adventurous, there has been an explosion in websites and articles that offer advice for the would-be wanderer. From travel and living tips to practical financial and logistical9 advice, one need not go far to find inspiration and ideas.
The most resonant1 truth about children is that they disappear. Slowly, gradually, but eventually. Children in that sense are clocks, marking the passage of time with each new stage of growth. To see
经典童话故事《白雪公主》影响了一代又一代的人,是无数孩子的枕边故事和美好童年的代名词。很多在《白雪公主》陪伴下长大的孩子,多年之后仍然能如数家珍般地背出七个小矮人的名字:万事通、爱生气、开心果、瞌睡虫、害羞鬼、喷嚏精、糊涂蛋。他们也许不知道的是,这些名字都是根据他们的英文名翻译过来的,而这些英文名其实暗藏玄机。英文版本中的七个小矮人分别叫做Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, B
Old age has had bad press on the whole, doubtless for good reasons. And yet it is not always a vale of tears1 and nothing else. To meet the sprightly2 old can be an inspiration. Recently, I have had t
英国社会心理学家高夫曼(Erving Goffman)发现交际过程中人们为了日后社会活动中的地位,都倾向于维系自己的面子。通常采取与面子相一致的行动,如避免发生尴尬、丧失自尊等。他认为面子是人类基本行为准则,人类交往无时无刻不涉及“面子工作”(face work)。  同声传译是“用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想和情感,以与讲话人同步的速度,用口頭形式重新表述出来的一种翻译实践。(张维为,199
People at the Gateway1. In Mumbai, the capital and “Gateway” to this part of the orient, warm climate makes it easy to forget the cold biting winter,2 and smog filled air in giant industrial centers.
Visitors to Henn-na, a restaurant outside Nagasaki, Japan, are greeted by a peculiar sight: their food being prepared by a row of humanoid robots that bear a passing1 resemblance to the Terminator. Th
2017年8月4日,阿忠(刘永忠)站在了世界第十二高峰布洛阿特峰之巅(8051米),这一天也是他儿子的生日,从峰顶发出去的对家人的问候,穿越冷峻之境,显得格外炙热。至此,阿忠已经完成了14座8000米级山峰中的11座,在他的登顶空白页中,还剩下希夏邦马(8012米)、洛子峰(8516米)和南迦帕尔巴特(8125米),即将跻身为14座大家庭中的正式一员。  以时间轴来看,阿忠算是国内早期接触户外运动
汉语的名词不管是否可数,一般都需要搭配量词(measure words)使用。不仅不同类别的名词需要不同量词来搭配,就连同一类名词,也可能要用不同的量词。虽然同是大型动物,我们却说“一匹马”“一头狮子”“一只老虎”,中国人用得准确无误、不假思索,却难坏了苦学汉语的外国友人。相较之下,我曾觉得英语的量词系统非常简单。可数名词前加上数词或冠词先解决一大半问题,剩下需要量词搭配的词语,只要积累些可作量词