The Application of Chinese Traditional Tie—Dye Pattern in Soft Outfit

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  Abstract: As a Chinese folk traditional and unique dyeing process, tie-dye, known for its rich colors, graphic patterns and cultural values, enjoys a long history. Through the analysis of historical background, design the moral aspects of analysis, made clear its role and significance of soft outfit ; and the paper expounds the necessity of passing on the traditional tie-dye art. Also, we are of the belief that fitting tie-dye into interior soft outfit via accurate grasp of the element of soft outfit in interior space would make tie-dye more charming. Finally expected traditional tie-dye art can have a better development in the contemporary soft outfit .
  Keywords: Tie-dye pattern; soft outfit; application
  1、The development of traditional Chinese tie dye
  Tie-dye is a kind of traditional handicraft in China and has a history of thousands of years. This dyeing technique was initially produced in the Neolithic Age, and it was already very popular during the Tang Dynasty and became one of the representative dyeing styles of the time. In addition to the historical documents on the tie-dye, the paintings of the Tang Dynasty painters also show the production process of tie-dye and many beautiful tie-dye costumes.
  2、The meaning of traditional tie-dye patterns
  "Pattern" has no independent meaning in its own right. It usually attaches to a physical object, usually associated with the ornament, to form a decorative pattern. The pattern at this time is not only purely decorative, but has certain symbols and meanings. Tie-dye as a material carrier of the pattern fully demonstrates the meaning of a variety of patterns. The traditional tie-dye pattern carries many beautiful meanings, and it has placed people's yearning for a better life and blessings for their loved ones.
  3、Application of tie dyeing pattern in soft decoration
  Tie-dye is widely used as a textile in home soft furnishings, including curtains, sofa covers, tablecloths, cushions, bedding, lamps, ornaments, partitions and other aspects of life. Tie-dyeing blended into the home soft decoration will make the home environment more natural and simple, and will give a strong sense of art.
  1. Application of plant patterns in soft clothing
  Plant patterns are widely used in home drapery applications, and are mostly used in the production of cushions, curtains, quilt covers and the like.
  Peony means rich and auspicious, so you can use tie dyeing of peony patterns in many places at home, such as sofa cloth and sofa cushions. The lotus symbolizes purity, and it and the pomegranate all symbolize the multi-child blessing, so the home can also use this type of pattern to decorate, especially in the bedroom, mostly bedding.   2. Application of animal patterns in soft clothing
  There are many tie patterns in animal patterns, such as butterflies, fish, and bees. These patterns are also widely used in home soft furnishings.
  There are also a lot of tie dyes selected for the screen pattern, such as the bat pattern, meaning the blessing; the copper money pattern has the meaning of looking up for money; the peony or peacock pattern all means the rich and the rich. These patterns with auspicious meaning can be used as screen patterns. Feel the comfort of home and feel the art of home.
  3.Application of geometric patterns in soft clothing
  Geometric patterns are versatile relative to plant and animal prints, so there are many places where geometric patterns can be used, such as curtains, pillows, and bedding.
  Curtains are highly decorative in the home environment, and the pattern of tie-dyed patterns in different spaces will be different. For example, the bedroom can choose a soft and geometric pattern to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere. The curtains in the living room can be generously arranged. The elegant tie-dye style is used to highlight the owner's lifestyle and aesthetic style; the children's room can be decorated with lively and bright tie-dyed curtains to add innocent colors. Therefore, the ingenious selection of the tie-dye pattern and the harmonious matching of the curtains will make the room quite romantic and new.
  Tie-dye inherits the traditional culture and art form, has the taste of traditional life, and has great cultural value. The innovation of traditional Chinese tie-dye art should design better and more tie-dye products according to the design characteristics of our home soft decoration, let tie-dye products enter our lives, improve people's quality of life, and make life more colorful. . Tie-dye will surely attract more and more people with its own unique artistic charm, and continue to innovate in the process of inheritance and development, adding color to people's lives in more forms
有这样一个故事:“智慧”、“成功”和“爱”三位天使来到人间。一位母亲请他们到家中做客,但是天使们中只有一位可以去,母亲最后决定把“爱”请回家。奇怪的是,另外两位也跟着进了屋。母亲惊讶的问:“你们两位怎么也进来了?”他们答道:“哪里有‘爱’,哪里便有‘智慧’和‘成功’”。  是啊,有爱就有一切!。  爱如清晨的第一缕阳光,默默陪伴着孩子每一个不经意的瞬间!  我们班张军警同学,以前是一个惹是生非,整
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