Cai, female, 33 years old, in mid-August 1989 no special incentives appear excessive menses, bleeding gums, with irregular fever, on September 16 to our hospital for medical treatment. Check WBC0.35 × 10 ~ 9 / L, Hb55g / L, BPC42 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Physical examination: T36 ℃, anemia appearance, systemic superficial lymph nodes is not enlarged, no yellowish skin and mucous membrane bleeding, blepharophimosis pale, breath sounds clear lungs, abdomen soft, liver and spleen not yet. Bone marrow: obvious hyperplasia, granule: red = 8.5: 1 Fine granular promyelocytic cells 64% visible Auer’s body, Pox strong positive, α-acetate palmitate (+), sodium fluoride inhibition test ( -) diagnosed as APL. On the third day of admission, begin taking RASO / mg day. On the third day of RA treatment, scattered bleed spots and purpura appeared on the skin and mucous membranes of the whole body