:北周武帝改革与后周世宗改革相距 40 0多年 ,但双方却有许多相同之处 ,一是背景相同 :都处于社会长期分裂、人民极度厌战的动荡年月 ;二是内容相同 :都进行了严惩贪官、澄清吏治的政治改革 ,轻徭薄赋、劝课农桑的经济改革 ,整顿军队、增强武备的军事改革 ,并采取了毁佛举措 ;三是作用相同 :都开启了一个大一统的时代 ,北周武帝改革为隋统一铺平了道路 ,后周世宗改革为北宋统一奠定了基础
: Since the reform of the North Zhou Dynasty and the reform of the post-Zhou Shizong have been separated by 40 0 years, the two sides share many similarities. First, they have the same background: they are in turmoil where the society has been divided for a long time and the people are extremely weary in war. The second one has the same content: Severely punish corrupt officials, clarify the political reforms in official circles, frivolously lightly and thinly, persuade agricultural reform in Sang Nong, rectify the armed forces, and enhance military reform in armaments and take the initiative to destroy Buddhism. Thirdly, they all play the same role: opening up a large unified system Times, the reform of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Emperor Wu paved the way for the reunification of the Sui Dynasty, after Zhou Shizong reform laid the foundation for the reunification of the Northern Song Dynasty