【摘 要】
Mobile device manufacturers are rapidly producing miscellaneous Android versions worldwide.Simultaneously,cyber criminals are executing malicious actions,such a
【机 构】
Department of Computer System and Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia“,”F
Mobile device manufacturers are rapidly producing miscellaneous Android versions worldwide.Simultaneously,cyber criminals are executing malicious actions,such as tracking user activities,stealing personal data,and committing bank fraud.These criminals gain numerous benefits as too many people use Android for their daily routines,including important communications.With this in mind,security practitioners have conducted static and dynamic analyses to identify malware.This study used static analysis because of its overall code coverage,low resource consumption,and rapid processing.However,static analysis requires a minimum number of features to efficiently classify malware.Therefore,we used genetic search (GS),which is a search based on a genetic algorithm (GA),to select the features among 106 strings.To evaluate the best features determined by GS,we used five machine leaing classifiers,namely,Naive Bayes (NB),functional trees (FT),J48,random forest (RF),and multilayer perceptron (MLP).Among these classifiers,FT gave the highest accuracy (95%) and true positive rate (TPR) (96.7%) with the use of only six features.
Many aerial applications require unmanned aerial systems operate in safe zones because of the presence of obstacles or security regulations. It is a non-trivial
稻米品质性状是水稻育种最重要的目标性状之一。稻米品质主要包括外观、碾米、蒸煮食味和营养四个方面。其中蒸煮食味品质则是稻米品质中最重要的性状。 本研究利用Asominori/IR24的置换系群体,对稻米的主要品质性状如食味品质性状、直链淀粉含量、糊化温度、垩白率以及垩白度进行了系统的测定和分析,得到以下结果: 1:在所有评价指标中,均发现QTL位点,其QTL数...
Traditional networks face many challenges due to the diversity of applications, such as cloud computing, Inteet of Things, and the industrial Inteet. Future Int
2001年于四川农业大学水稻研究所,采用低垩白、低直链淀粉含量品种D香优26和高垩白、高直链淀粉含量品种冈优22,研究了不同施氮量和不同施氮期对水稻开花后生长代谢规律、稻米产量和品质的影响,结果表明: 1.冈优22和D香优26中等施氮量处理(153.3kg/hm~2)的叶绿素含量、叶面积系数、光合势、有效穗数、穗粒数和穗粒重均高于低施氮量处理(76.7kg/hm~2),因而中氮处理产量高于低
We propose a novel discriminative leing approach for Bayesian patt classification,called ’constrained maximum margin(CMM)’.We define the margin between two cl