研究了短日照(10 h)和长日照(暗中断4 h)2种光周期处理对春石斛(Dendrobium nobile)3个品种(G1、G2、G3)假鳞茎的伸长和增粗以及对品种G1的开花时期、侧芽萌发和株型的影响。结果表明,长日照有利于假鳞茎增粗和增长,利于营养生长;短日照可促进G1萌发侧芽并诱导其发育成花芽,利于生殖生长。在春石斛的栽培过程中,前期生长阶段使用长日照处理,进入花芽分化阶段进行短日照处理,植株不但株型饱满,而且花期也可提前,品质更佳。
The effects of two photoperiod treatments, short-day (10 h) and long-day (dark interruption), on the elongation and thickening of pseudobulb in three varieties of Dendrobium nobile (G1, G2 and G3) G1 flowering period, lateral bud germination and plant type. The results showed that long sunshine was beneficial to the thickening and growth of pseudobulb, which was conducive to vegetative growth. Short sunshine could promote the germination of lateral buds of G1 and induce its development into flower buds, which is conducive to reproductive growth. In the cultivation process of Dendrolimus candidum, the long-day treatment is used in the early growth stage, and the short-day treatment is carried out in the flower bud differentiation stage. The plant not only has full plant type, but also the flowering period can be advanced and the quality is better.