婴幼儿秋季腹泻是由轮状病毒引起的轮状病毒是一种10 余年前发现的RNA 中小型病毒外面包的衣壳形如车轮故名本病的侵袭对象主要是6 个月至5 岁的小儿传播途径与其他肠道传染病是一样的通过粪口途径或口口途径凡不重视饮食卫生的托幼机构或家庭易造成暴发流行轮状病毒的感染有明
Infantile autumn diarrhea is caused by a rotavirus Rotavirus is a type of small and medium-sized RNA enveloped in a coat of more than 10 years ago found in capsids such as the wheel named as the subject of the disease, the invasion of the main target is 6 months to 5 years old Pediatric transmission routes and other intestinal infectious diseases is the same through the fecal oral route or oral route who do not attach importance to food hygiene nurseries or families prone to outbreaks epidemic rotavirus infection Ming