我国清代有位著名的书画家——郑板桥。在他的一幅名叫《竹石》的画中,几株竹子顽强地从岩石缝里生长出来,清脆挺拔, 傲然耸立。作者在图边题诗赞美这些竹子: “咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中,千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。”因为竹子将根牢牢地扎于岩石中,坚定而强劲,狂风无论如何也吹不倒它,于是,人们常用“咬定青山不放松”这句话来比喻认定一个目标便坚持不懈,努力进取。
Qing Dynasty in China there is a famous painter - Zheng Banqiao. In his painting entitled “Bamboo and Stone,” several bamboo tenaciously grew out of rock crevices, crisp and straight, and stood proudly. The author praises these bamboos in the figure poems: “insisted Aoyama do not relax, Riga root in the rock, thousands of milliseconds also strong, Ren Seoul east-south wind.” Because the bamboo will be firmly tied to the rock roots, Strong and strong, the wind blows it anyway, so people often use the phrase “insist Aoyama do not relax,” a metaphor to identify a goal perseverance and strive to forge ahead.