和 TAZANA 算是死党了,因为既是同行也是同好。同行是都做杂志的时装编辑,同好嘛,是都爱跳舞、泡吧,还有更重要的就是爱美。每次和 T 去跳舞都会看到她不一样的造型,今天是紧身牛仔配露脐小背心,明天是大蓬蓬裙配收身衬衣。去星巴克喝咖啡的时候她也许是披着湿湿的一头黑发,趿着木跟的黑皮凉鞋,手指和脚趾一并是亮亮的黑,指甲上金色的花纹是自己画上去的。对于这个从小画国画尤其擅长工笔的女孩子来说,在家里自己 DIY 指甲是件再惬意不过的事了。
And TAZANA be considered a buddy, because it is both colleagues and same. Colleagues are magazines fashion editor, with the same thing, are all love to dance, clubbing, there is more important is beauty. Every time I go dancing with T will see her different style, today is tight jeans with exposed umbilical vest, tomorrow is a big Puff skirt with body shirt. When she went to Starbucks for coffee, she might have been wearing wet, dark hair and black sandal with wooden heel. Her fingers and toes were bright black. The golden pattern on her nails was drawn on her own. For the girl who was especially good at writing since the early days of painting, DIY nail at home is a pleasant thing.