真改革 置之死地而后生 青少年宫半官半民,又要成为青少年的乐园,又要自谋生存,怎么办?海口市青少年宫基础薄弱,设备老化,冗员臃肿,资金短缺,这些问题都象铁块一样压在新上任的年轻女子王惠来心上。经过多方调查多次研究,王惠来指挥棒一扬,1994年开始奏响改革“
What should I do if I really want to reform after the reform and the death of the post-secondary youth and semi-government and semi-government, but also to become a youth paradise, but also to make their own living? Haikou City Youth Palace weak foundation, aging equipment, redundant bloated, lack of funds, these problems are like iron blocks pressure on the new young woman Wang Hui Lai heart. After many investigations and many studies, Wang Huilai commanded a stick and started playing the reform in 1994 "