红椿又名红楝子、印度椿,学名 Toonasureni(Bl)Merr,与香椿同属,性状类似,边材淡黄白色,心材红褐色,花纹美观,故有“中国桃花心木”之称,由于材质软硬适中、耐腐,是建筑及家具的良好用材。红椿不仅材质好,而且生长迅速,树形优美,是我国南方重要的速生用材树种,也
Red Toona, also known as Toona, Indian Toon, scientific name Toonasureni (Bl) Merr, and toon are the same, similar traits, sapwood yellowish white, heartwood reddish-brown, beautiful pattern, it is “Chinese mahogany” , Due to moderate hardness and corrosion resistance, it is a good material for construction and furniture. Red toon is not only good material, but also rapid growth, beautiful tree, is an important species of fast-growing timber in southern China, also