
来源 :黑龙江史志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjlovewz
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在黑龙江的历史上,曾经存在10余个戏曲剧种。其中多数为中原地区流入到黑龙江的,如京剧、评剧、河北梆子、吕剧、赣剧等;还有4个是黑龙江土生土长的地方剧种,即拉场戏、龙江剧、龙滨戏和朱春。前3个剧种都属于汉族剧种,况且龙江剧和龙滨戏又都是新中国成立后的新兴剧种,唯独“朱春”是黑龙江少数民族满族独有的具有悠久历史的地方剧种。因此,“朱春”引起了很多专家学者的极大关注。遗憾的是它早已消亡,其舞台艺术又为老艺人口接心授,也无脚本传世。这就为对它的研究工作带来诸多难度。20世纪50年代末,黑龙江少数民族文学艺术调查组曾对“朱春”进行过考证和挖掘工作,80年代中期到90年代初,黑龙江艺术史志工作者再次对“朱春”进行深入的采访、挖掘和研究。不但证实了在黑龙江广袤的土地上确实曾经绽开过“朱春”这一民族戏曲之花,而且也对它的艺术表现形式有了较全面的了解和认识。 In the history of Heilongjiang, there have been more than ten operatic dramas. Most of them flow into Heilongjiang, such as Peking Opera, Pingju, Hebei Baizi, Lu Opera and Jiangxi Opera. Among them, four are local natives of Heilongjiang, namely Lachang Opera, Longjiang Drama, Longbin Drama and Zhuchun. Besides, the first three operas belong to the Han nationalities. Moreover, both the Longjiang drama and the Longbin opera are emerging operas after the founding of People’s Republic of China. Only “Zhu Chun” is a local opera with a long history unique to the ethnic minorities in Heilongjiang. Therefore, “Zhu Chun” has aroused great concern of many experts and scholars. It is a pity that it has vanished long ago, and its stage art has given its inspiration to the old artistes, nor has the script handed down. This brings a lot of difficulty to its research work. In the late 1950s, the Heilongjiang Minority Literature and Arts Investigation Team conducted a research and excavation of “Zhu Chun”. From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, Heilongjiang art historians again conducted an in-depth interview with “Zhu Chun” , Digging and researching. This not only confirms the fact that the flower of the national opera “Zhu Chun” did indeed bloom on the vast land of Heilongjiang Province, but also has a more comprehensive understanding and understanding of its artistic expression.