中师教师业务档案是指中师教师个 人在教学、科研工作活动中形成的具有保存价值的各种形式的历史记录。它可为学校对教师进行职称评审、工资晋升、考核评先等提供可靠的依据和凭证;也为学校扬长避短,知人善任,合理使用现有师资提供重要的决策依据。 由于中师教师业务档案是
The teacher’s professional archives refer to all kinds of historical records with the preservation value formed by individual teachers in teaching and scientific research activities. It can provide reliable evidence and vouchers for the teachers to carry out professional title assessment, salary promotion and assessment of teachers in schools. It also provides important decision-making basis for schools to avoid weaknesses, know people’s good deeds and make reasonable use of existing teachers. As the division teacher’s business file is