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兴办林业产业是适应社会主义市场经济发展和深化林业体制改革的必然趋势,是林业两个体系建设的重点和难点,也是林业“第二次创业”的战略决策。近几年来,孝感市8个县市区林业系统共兴办林业企业86个。其中第一产业20个,第二产业39个,第三产业27个。固定资产总值4800多万元。从目前发展趋势看,有四个鲜明特点:一是以经济林基地为主体的绿色企业篷勃兴起。二是以林木加工为主体的林产品工业异军突起。三是以木材经营为主体的第三产业方兴未艾。四是以国营林场为主体的森林旅游业有突破性发展。 The establishment of forestry industry is an inevitable trend to adapt to the development of socialist market economy and deepen the reform of forestry system. It is also the key and difficult point in the construction of forestry system. It is also the strategic decision of forestry “second start-up”. In recent years, Xiaogan City, eight counties urban forestry system to establish a total of 86 forestry enterprises. Among them, there are 20 primary industries, 39 secondary industries and 27 tertiary industries. More than 4800 million yuan in fixed assets. From the current development trend, there are four distinct characteristics: First, economic forest base as the main green business prosperous rise. The second is to forest products as the main forest products industry a sudden emergence. Third, the tertiary industry based on timber business is in the ascendant. Fourthly, the forest tourism based on state-owned forest farms has a breakthrough development.
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