在抗日战争全面爆发不久的1937年10月初至11月中旬,在短短的40多天里,时任国民党第二战区前敌总指挥兼第十四集团军总司令的卫立煌将军,同中共中央军委副主席周恩来,在山西抗日前线,有过三次重要的会见。这些会见,使卫立煌有幸聆听了周恩来许多有益的教诲,受到很大启发,成为他一生中思想转变的关键。它对于卫立煌后来坚持不断抗战,成为抗日名将;从蒋介石的“五虎上将”,逐渐转变立场,认清国民党蒋介石的反动本质,拥护新中国,竭诚同到祖国怀抱,产生了深远影响,也在中国共产党统战史上留下了光辉的一页。 |
In the early October 1937 to mid-November of the so-called full-scale war of resistance against Japan, in just over 40 days, General Wei Lihuang, commander-in-chief of the Former Kuomintang in the Second Theater of the Kuomintang and commander-in-chief of the fourteenth army group, Zhou Enlai, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, had three important meetings with Shanxi’s anti-Japanese front. These meetings made Wei Lihuang fortunate enough to listen to many useful teachings of Zhou Enlai, and were greatly inspired to become the key to the transformation of his thinking in his life. For Wei Lih-huang, he persisted in continuing the war of resistance against Japan and became a famous anti-Japanese leader. From Chiang Kai-shek’s “general”, he gradually changed his position and realized the reactionary essence of Chiang Kai-shek, supported New China and wholeheartedly affected the motherland , Also left a glorious page in the history of the Chinese Communist United Front. |