蒂华纳位于墨西哥下加州西北端的特卡特河畔,西濒太平洋,东临特卡特市,北距美国加利福尼亚州的圣迭戈19公里,属海洋性气候,冬暖夏凉,平均气温在11℃至27℃之间。 蒂华纳与美国的圣迭戈优势互补,构成太平洋边缘重要的区域,成为进出口贸易、商贸、制造业和旅游业的争夺要地。 蒂华纳人口为130万,几乎占下加州总人口的一半,90%以上为印欧混血种人,其余为外国侨民和印第安人。居民绝大部分年龄在16岁至30岁之间,是一个年轻的城市。
Tijuana is located in the lower reaches of Mexico under the Tecate River, northwest of California, west Pacific Ocean, east of the city of Tequat, San Diego, California, 19 km north of the maritime climate, warm in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature of 11 ℃ to 27 ℃ between. Tijuana and San Diego, the United States complement each other to form an important part of the Pacific Rim, as import and export trade, commerce, manufacturing and tourism industry to compete for. Tijuana has a population of 1.3 million, accounting for almost half of the total population of California, with more than 90% being Indo-European mixed race and the rest being foreign nationals and Indians. The vast majority of residents, aged between 16 and 30, are a young city.