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在很多学生眼中,政治课可谓“食之无肉,弃之有味”。从学生长远发展的角度,我们既不能轻视,更不敢怠慢政治课教学。怎样才能让学生愿意参与,并且轻松获得知识,这无疑是一个很大的挑战。只有真正抓住学生的兴趣点,激发他们的主动意识,学生对政治课的学习热情才能持久。为此,我以“文化与经济、政治”教学为例,进行了探索和实践。一、精心选材,激发兴趣传统的政治课堂过于追求理性化,教学内容仅停 In the eyes of many students, political class can be described as “no meat to eat, taste”. From the perspective of long-term development of students, we can neither despise nor even neglect political teaching. How to make students willing to participate, and easy access to knowledge, this is undoubtedly a big challenge. Only by truly grasping the students ’points of interest and arousing their initiative can the students’ enthusiasm for learning politics be sustained. For this reason, I have explored and practiced the teaching of “Culture and Economy, Politics” as an example. First, careful selection, to stimulate interest Traditional political classroom is too much pursuit of rational teaching content only
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