为加强防治非典综合力度,切实保障人民健康和生命安全,维护社会稳定,北京丰台区疾病预防控制中心根据疫情发展趋势,适时调整应急指挥系统,将区疾控制中心和区卫生监督所合二为一,重新整合医疗资源,取消单位科室建制,对突发性公共卫生事件工作模式进行了大胆尝试。 2003年3月初北京发现第一例输入性非典病例。中心果断决策,立即组建了疫情调查小分队、专家技术指导组和信息组。随着疫情日渐严峻,4月17日,中心再次作出调整,从中心、卫生监督所、基层医疗单位紧急抽调30人组建专业流调队,成立了总指
In order to strengthen comprehensive prevention and treatment of SARS, effectively safeguard people’s health and life safety, and maintain social stability, Beijing Fengtai District Center for Disease Control and Prevention has adjusted the emergency command system in a timely manner according to the epidemic situation. The district disease control center and the district health superintendent are combined into First, the reorganization of medical resources, the abolition of organizational units, public health emergencies work on a bold attempt. In early March 2003, Beijing found the first case of imported SARS. Center decisive decision, immediately set up the epidemic investigation unit, expert technical guidance group and information group. As the epidemic became more and more serious, on April 17, the center adjusted again. From the center, the health superintendency agency and the grass-root medical units, 30 people were set up to set up professional team to mobilize professionals and set up general guidelines