In the third volume of ICD-10 using different leading words found two different codes of acute alcoholism: T51.0 and F10.0, assuming that the two coding are correct, refer to the relevant literature, from the external causes of poisoning were discussed two Encoding: Analysis of T51.0 after the external intent summed up for the T51.0 external causes are three cases, namely accidental X45.-, deliberately harm X65 and harm X89.-; Analysis of the F10.0 external cause F10 .0 External causes are not accidental, deliberate self harm or harm, the analysis of drunkenness concludes that drunkenness can not be classified as toxic or detrimental effects, and can only be classified as mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances in F10.0-F19 . Finally, summarize the coding method of acute alcoholism: when the external cause of acute alcoholism is accidental, intentional self-harm, inaccurate intent or harmful, the main code is T51.0; when acute alcohol poisoning except for accidental, deliberate self harm or damage, only It is an adverse reaction after drinking daily. The main code is F10.0.