北口市有个风水宝地,叫松竹园。市志上载:自宋辽以来,便被官府明令圈占,专营府邸,所居者,皆为达官显贵。解放后,这片花园式的住宅住进了为老百姓负过伤流过血的公仆们,这本是无可非议的事。谁知到了公元一千九百九十一年,有人觉得这事不是天经地义的了。 此人便是靠养虾发家的个体业主——丰奎海产品经销总公司的经理李丰奎。这一天的清晨,一张换房启事贴在位于松竹园核心位置的市委常委住宅楼大院,顿时,引起一片大哗。 震动最大的当属原市委常委、主管经济工作的副市长许济远一家。老许去年刚从常委班子里退出,改任市政府顾问,因为资历老,又有经验和威望,市里遇上个大事小情,常委会总要请他列席会议。 老许家住四室一厅,按理说水准不低了,可是大儿子三口占一间,二儿子结婚占一间,女儿面临高考占一间,市地级的许济远和老伴儿实际上只拥有一间卧室。可老许从未利用职权或暗示下级为其子女解决住房,老许不做那种事。
North mouth there is a feng shui treasure, called Pine Chuk Yuen. City Zhi upload: Since the Song and Liao, it was ordered to occupy the government, the franchise mansion, the home, are up to dignitaries. After the liberation, this garden-style house was admitted to public servants who suffered bloodshed and wounds for the common people. This is beyond reproach. Who knows the year 19919, some people think this is not a matter of course. This person is relying on shrimp and sharks individual owners - Feng Kuihai product distribution company manager Li Fengkui. The morning of this day, a house change affixed affixed to the center of the park in the town of Pine Chuk Yuen residential building compound, suddenly caused a big uproar. Vibration is undoubtedly the former Municipal Standing Committee, Xu Jianyuan, deputy mayor in charge of economic work. Old Xu last year just quit from the Standing Committee, was appointed city hall advisers, because of seniority, but also experience and prestige, the city met a major affair, the Standing Committee always asked him to attend the meeting. Old Xu lived in a four-room hall, reasonably speaking, the standard is not low, but the eldest son of a family of three, one of the second son married, the daughter of a college entrance examination accounted for a municipal Xu Jianyuan and his wife actually only have one Bedroom. Old Hsu has never used his power or hinted that subordinates should solve their housing problems for their children.