1.如果不小心将墨水溅在地毯上,可以用中性洗洁剂或醋、牛奶、小心地擦拭。也可以在溅有墨水的地方撒些细盐末,然后用肥皂液涮洗干净。 2.地毯沾染了灰尘,可将精盐均匀地撒在地毯上,然后用洗干净的笤帚在地毯上扫,笤帚要边洗边扫(甩干水),扫过后地毯又具有了光泽。还可取一块旧的清洁被单,用水浸湿后拧干,平铺在地毯上,然后用木棍敲打,灰尘就会被湿被单吸附。
1. If you accidentally splashed ink on the carpet, you can use a mild detergent or vinegar, milk, carefully wipe. You can also sprinkle somewhere in the ink sprinkle some salt, and then rinse with soap. 2. The carpet is contaminated with dust, salt can be evenly sprinkled on the carpet, and then use a clean broom sweeping the carpet, the broom to side sweep (dry water), after cleaning the carpet has a shiny. It is also advisable to pick up an old cleaning sheet, wet it with water, wring it, flatten it on a carpet, and then beaten with a stick, the dust will be absorbed by the wet sheet.