世纪之交 ,以江泽民同志为核心的党中央高瞻远瞩 ,审时度势 ,不失时机地提出实施西部大开发战略。加快西部发展 ,这是我们党总揽全局 ,面向新世纪作出的重大决策 ,我们必须从大局、从战略的高度充分认识实施西部大开发的重大意义 ,准确把握实施西部大开发的战略重点
At the turn of the century, the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core has a far-sighted look at the situation and seizes the opportunity to put forward the strategy of implementing the strategy for the great development of the western region. Speeding up the development of the western region is a major decision our party takes overall control of the overall situation and facing the new century. We must fully understand the great significance of implementing the grand development of the western region from the overall situation and from a strategic height and accurately grasp the strategic priorities of carrying out the great development of the western region