根据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》第二十九条和国家经贸委《重点用能单位节能管理办法》第十八条的规定 ,为进一步推动我省节能管理工作 ,山西省节能监测中心受省经贸委的委托 ,于 2 0 0 1年 4月 9日~ 4月1 2日举办了全省重点用能单位能源管理人员培训班 ,全省有 1 1个地市 1
According to the “Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China,” Article 29 and the State Economic and Trade Commission “key energy-consuming units of energy-saving management approach” Article XVIII, in order to further promote energy-saving management in our province, Shanxi Province Energy Conservation Monitoring Center by the provincial Commissioned by the Economic and Trade Commission, from April 9 to April 12, 2001, training courses for energy management personnel of key energy-using units in the province were held. There are 11 cities and districts in the province 1