Numerical simulation study on air quality in aircraft cabins

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwcareers
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Air pollution is one of the main factors that affect the air quality in aircraft cabins,and the use of different air supply modes could influence the distribution of air pollutants in cabins.Based on the traditional ceiling air supply mode used on the B737NG,this study investigated another 3 different kinds of air supply modes for comparison:luggage rack air supply mode,joint mode combining ceiling and luggage rack air supply,and joint mode combining ceiling and individual air supply.Under the above 4 air supply modes,the air velocity,temperature and distribution of air pollutants in a cabin full of passengers were studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD),and carbon dioxide (CO2) and formaldehyde were selected as 2 kinds of representative air pollutants.The simulation results show that the joint mode combining ceihng and individual air supply can create a more uniform distribution of air velocity and temperature,has a better effect on the removal of CO2 and formaldehyde,and can provide better air quality in cabins than the other 3 modes.
姓名:纪太超   性别:男  出生时间:1982年11月  政治面貌:中共预备党员  学历:大专  籍贯:鹤壁市淇县西岗乡河口村  工作单位:河口村村委会  职务:村委主任助理    这个2005年从湖北鄂州大学校园里走出的“大学生村官”,也曾经在社会上经历了几番风雨,生活工作创业的艰辛历程,以及思想感情的波动,在他的日记里可窥一斑    2005年11月20日 晴 星期一    今天上午刚到公司
《少年派的奇幻漂流里》有一句台词:“All of life is an act of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.”当时觉得这句话说得虽好,但