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云南地处西南边陲,界连外域,地理位置十分重要。云南社会稳定与否,事关边疆安危。自云南纳入清朝版图,吴三桂便坐镇于此,云南社会也随之开始了长达20余年之久的动荡时期。有关古代社会治理的研究是史学界亟应加强的一个重要研究领域,然而从社会治理的角度来探讨吴三桂控制云南时期的社会情形的专门研究却 Yunnan is located in the southwestern border, bound with the outer domain, the geographical position is very important. Yunnan’s social stability or not, related to the security of the border. Since Yunnan was incorporated into the Qing Dynasty territory, Wu Sangui sits here, and the Yunnan society has also started a turbulent period of more than 20 years. The research on ancient social governance is an important research field urgently needed to be strengthened by historians. However, from the perspective of social governance, the special study on Wu Sangui’s control of the social situation in Yunnan
提起“二球悬铃木”,你可能不知道是什么树种,但说到“法国梧桐”,或许你就豁然开朗了。即使是对道路两旁遮天蔽日的阴凉熟视无睹的人,也会对“法国梧桐”的无私奉献存有一点感恩之心的。  大凡对悬铃木此类树种有研究的人,都应该了解“法国梧桐”并不是“二球悬铃木”的真正俗名。17世纪英国科学家用“一球悬铃木”(又叫美国梧桐)和“三球悬铃木”(真正的法国梧桐)作亲本,杂交成二球悬铃木,取名“英国梧桐”,此后在