本文将着重讨论高密度培养鞭毛绿藻杜氏藻(盐藻 Dunaliella tertiolecta)培养液的组成、连续培养方法和实验设备。近年来,人们对于杜氏藻属特别关注,因为这些藻的优点之一是没有厚的细胞壁,细胞包被在薄的有弹性的原生质膜里,因此便于动物吸收和同化。此外,杜氏藻在不利环境条件下有很高的适应性。对培养液化学组成的要求(无论是总盐度还是各营养盐分的配比),可塑性都很大。
This article will focus on the high-density cultivation of Dunaliella Dunaliella Dunaliella tertiolecta medium composition, continuous culture methods and experimental equipment. In recent years, there has been a special focus on Dunaliella because one of the advantages of these algae is that they have no thick cell walls and the cells are enveloped in a thin, flexible plasma membrane, thus allowing the animals to absorb and assimilate. In addition, Dunaliella has a high adaptability under adverse environmental conditions. The requirements of the chemical composition of the broth (whether the total salinity or nutrient salt ratio), plasticity are great.