Through the research on the origin, development and project features of the ultimate Frisbee movement, this article gets more people’s understanding and attention in this emerging project in Xinjiang. Through the study of the ultimate Frisbee project, summed up the five major advantages of the project, namely: (1) low cost, flexible venue. (2) easy to learn, universal convenience. (3) less physical contact, less physical injury. (4) There is no referee in the match, and the athlete punishes himself. (5) match form men and women with. These advantages have the characteristics of a new era of sports, in line with the current development of school sports requirements, in particular, the project easy to learn easy to use, the participants of their physical form and physical fitness is not high, to provide more opportunities for people to participate . Ultimate Frisbee sport characteristics and exercise value, combined with the special geographical environment and multi-ethnic characteristics of Xinjiang, colleges and universities in Xinjiang sports classroom to carry out the ultimate Frisbee movement is more appropriate, with greater promotional value.