
来源 :南通大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlai
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邻里关系是一种以地缘关系为主体的社会关系。对于中国人来说,在相当长的历史时期内,其重要性仅次于血缘关系、宗法关系,而高于业缘关系。然而,当下的邻里关系却趋于冷漠疏远,邻里互动少,有悖于和谐社会的建设初衷。要改变这种现状,绝非朝夕之功,我们可以古为今用,逐步加以改善:把“宣扬仁爱”作为睦邻友好的核心思想;将“帮扶弱者”作为睦邻友好的优先方向;以“自治”与“乡约”作为睦邻友好的法治措施;以“礼”与“让”作为睦邻友好的德治手段。坚持德治为主、法治为辅的原则,在回归传统文化中有所扬弃,在生态文明建设中大力倡导心态文明,这是打造“美丽中国”的必由之路。 Neighborhood relationship is a kind of social relations based on geographical relationship. For the Chinese people, their importance is only second to kinship, patriarchal clan relations and higher than karma in a long historical period. However, the current neighborhood relations tend to be indifference and alienation, with less interaction among the neighborhoods, which is contrary to the original intention of building a harmonious society. In order to change this status quo, it is not the day or the night. We can make improvements from time immemorial to ancient times by using “preaching love and kindness” as the core idea of ​​good neighborliness and “helping the weak” as a priority of good neighborliness. “Autonomy” and “Rural Treaty” as the measures of good neighborliness and rule of law; and “courtesy” and “allow” as the means of rule of virtue and good neighborliness. The principle of upholding the rule of virtue and supplementing the rule of law is subordinated to the return to the traditional culture, and vigorous advocacy of civilized civilization in the construction of ecological civilization is the only way to create “beautiful China.”
随着前列腺特异抗原(prostate specific antigen,PSA)筛查的普遍开展,特别是前列腺系统性穿刺活检、CT、MRI、全身骨扫描等技术的广泛应用,局限性早期前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)