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五、执政的共产党必须尊重生产力发展的内在规律,始终把握先进生产力发展趋势和要求,以经济建设为中心,以强国富民为己任原苏东社会主义国家在建国后的一段时期内,经济建设曾经取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就,呈现出欣欣向荣的景象,这是因为革命解放了生产力,社会主义制度为生产力的进一步发展创造了新的有利条件。但这些国家未能保持持续、稳定的发展势头, V. The Ruling Communist Party Must Respect the Inherent Rules of the Development of Productivity, Always Grasp the Trends and Demands of Advanced Productive Forces, Take Economic Construction as the Center and Empower the People and the Citivans for a Pre-Emptive Period For a period after the founding of the People’s Republic of China for the Soviet Union and Eastern Korea, Has made tremendous achievements that attract worldwide attention and has shown a thriving scene because the revolution liberated the productive forces and the socialist system created new favorable conditions for the further development of the productive forces. However, these countries failed to maintain a sustained and steady momentum of development.
[关键词]英语教学 吃透教材 创设情景 激发动机 提高兴趣    “兴趣是最好的老师”。教育家乌申斯基说:“没有任何兴趣而被迫进行的学习,会扼杀学生掌握知识的意愿。”而产生兴趣的两个基本因素是求知欲和对客体的肯定的情绪态度。因此,只有那些对外语有浓厚兴趣,并把学习看成是自己愿望和需要的人,才能把自己的整个认识活动激活起来,从而成为学习的动力,提高学习效果。    一、吃透教材,精心备课    备课