“九五”期间,西城区被列为国家级可持续发展综合实验区。区政府及教育局领导站在长远发展目标的高度,依据“树立可持续发展的教育观,以科研促教改,以改革求发展,全面推进素质教育”的工作思路,把“科研兴教”视为区域性基础教育改革与发展的必由之路。 一、“科研兴
During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, Xicheng District was listed as a national-level comprehensive experimental zone for sustainable development. The leaders of the district government and the Bureau of Education are at the height of their long-term development goals. They are based on the concept of “Establishing the education concept of sustainable development, promoting scientific reform through scientific research, developing through reform, and promoting quality education in an all-round way”. It is the only way for the reform and development of regional basic education. I. "Research