
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baiqing001
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2009年4月26日,海峡两岸关系协会与海峡交流基金会在南京签订了《海峡两岸共同打击犯罪及司法互助协议》。该协议对于“相互认可及执行的民事确定裁判”是否包括法院的调解书未予以明确。而目前两岸对此存在截然相反的作法。在大陆,经人民法院审查认可的台湾地区有关法院的调解书与人民法院作出的生效判决具有同等效力。然而,台湾地区却缺乏认可人民法院民事调解书效力的相关规定和司法实践。本文通过从两岸法院调(和)解制度比较分析,认为两岸法院调(和)解制度上存在的差异并不能成为台湾地区法院不认可人民法院民事调解书效力的根本原因,并且两岸调(和)解制度也存在着诸多相同、相近的因素,这些相同、相近的因素,是台湾地区法院认可人民法院民事调解书效力的有利因素。 On April 26, 2009, the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait and the Straits Exchange Foundation signed the Agreement on Mutual Assistance in the Crime and Judicial Mutual Assistance in Cross-Strait Cooperation in Nanjing. The agreement for the “mutual recognition and enforcement of civil determination of referees,” including the court's conciliation is not clear. At present, however, there is a diametrically opposite approach by both sides of the strait. In mainland China, the conciliation statement of the relevant court in Taiwan that has been examined and approved by the people's court has the same effect as the one entered into by the people's court. However, Taiwan lacks the relevant provisions and judicial practices that recognize the effectiveness of civil mediation in people's courts. Through the comparative analysis of the transfer (settlement) system between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, this paper argues that the differences in the transfer (settlement) system between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can not be regarded as the fundamental reason why Taiwan's courts do not recognize the effectiveness of the civil mediation in the people's court. Moreover, There are also many identical and similar factors in the resolution system. These same and similar factors are favorable factors for Taiwan's courts to recognize the validity of civil mediation in people's courts.
摘要:当前,检察机关在执法公信力方面存在的主要问题:一是公信力意识不强;二是少数地方的检察干警由于在执法上的不严格、不规范、不文明;三是在法律监督能力方面存在着能力不强等问题,如反贪查案件或反渎查案长期打不开局面;还有个别检察干警在思想  境界、文化素质上的不足,我们必须正视这些问题并认真加以解决。  关键词: 检察队伍建设 执法公信力 建议    一、检察执法公信力的特征及当前存在的主要问题  
1  李光这人特好认,小脖子上架一又粗又大的脑袋,比范伟还大上一号,像倒置的葫芦,你只看一眼便会记住万年。他要是东张西望左顾右盼,你准会担心他自个儿不小心把脖子给晃断了。记得第一次全校集合,我们班像一盘散沙谁也找不着北,后来李光一来,大家对着他脑袋飞蛾扑火般聚在一块,瞬间队伍排好。李光脚特臭,他一脱鞋,周边10米空气指数立马变负,我们寝室养过一只龟、两株花和3棵仙人掌,都没活过两周。高三整整一年,