《林鑫作品展》在中国美术馆展出了,他是在陕西偏远的煤城铜川,没有老师帮助的条件下,成长起来的有才华的青年画家,能在首都展出,作为一个了解他的人,我向他祝贺。 他是矿工之子,大约十年前,父母亲在同一年里先后因癌症去世,给他精神上的打击是沉重的,谁去安慰他?别人的安慰能抹掉心灵上的创伤吗?只有艺术能给他以慰藉,使他的精神充实起来。 那时不过二十来岁,他苦练书法与传统国画,从古典诗词与交响乐——特别是肖邦的乐章中,求得与自我感情上的共鸣。由于他对艺术有非常锐敏的感觉,在大变革的时代里,“美术新潮”向他涌来,他不满足于已经学过的东西,对现代派艺术产生了浓厚的兴趣,而且很快创作了一批作品,在西安办过一次个人展览,此次在京的展出,比五年前的作品,更上了一层楼。
“Lin Xin’s Works Exhibition” was exhibited at the China Art Museum. He is a talented young painter who grew up in Shaanxi Province’s remote coal city Tongchuan, without the help of a teacher. He can be exhibited in the capital as an expert I congratulate him. He was the son of a miner. About a decade ago, his parents died of cancer in the same year and gave him a heavy mental blow. Who comforted him and comforted others to erase the spiritual trauma? Only art He can give him comfort, enriching his spirit. At that time, however, at the age of twenty, he trained hardworking calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting to find his sympathy with his own feelings through classical poetry and symphony, especially Chopin’s movement. Because of his very sharp sense of art, in the era of great change, “Art Trendy” came to him. He was not satisfied with what he had learned. He was very interested in the art of Modern Art and soon wrote A group of works, had a personal exhibition in Xi’an, the exhibition in Beijing, more than five years ago, works to a higher level.