多氯联苯(PCB_s)及其衍生物是重要的全球性的污染物。Kuntz等(1976)在美国发现在许多人的组织中都有PCB_s蓄积。作者以200~300 g重的雌性大鼠,饲养在标准条件下,按照Tat Sing和Spencer(1981)所述的方法作蜕膜假孕和妊娠诱导,生化、生理学检验及药物的喂饲。结果表明,经PCB处理的蜕膜假孕大鼠的子宫蛋白、子宫糖原和卵巢蛋白减低。接受PCB 10天后,孕鼠胎盘蛋白和糖原浓度减低,以PCB 900 ppm喂饲的母鼠,在怀孕12天时,未见有胚胎吸收。PCB对胎鼠的毒性表现为每
PCBs and their derivatives are important global pollutants. Kuntz et al. (1976) found in the United States that PCB accumulation occurs in many human tissues. The authors fed females weighing 200-300 g under standard conditions for decidual pregnancy and pregnancy induction, biochemistry, physiology and drug feeding as described by Tat Sing and Spencer (1981). The results showed that uterine protein, uterine glycogen and ovarian protein were reduced in PCB-treated decidual pseudopregnant rats. Placenta protein and glycogen concentrations were reduced in pregnant rats 10 days after receiving PCBs. There was no embryo absorption at 12 days of gestation in female rats fed PCB 900 ppm. PCB on fetal rat toxicity per performance