第六专题 新材料超声检测

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人工合成新材料的迅速发展,向无损检测技术,尤其向超声检测提出了新的挑战,促进了超声检测技术的革新。新型材料,特别是非金属材料超声检测的应用日益广泛,其中纤维增强复合材料、结构陶瓷材料、新型混凝土材料的无损检测,是国内外研究的热点。由于混凝土材料超声检测将有专题论述,本文只简述了纤维增强复合材料、结构陶瓷材料及其它非金属材料的超声检测技术,并着重论述超声检测新技术的应用。 1 复合材料的超声检测 在纤维增强复合材料的无损检测中,超声检测是应用最广泛的技术。它不仅能检测分层、气孔、裂缝和夹杂等缺陷,而且在判别疏松、密度差异、弹性模量、厚度等特性和几何形状的变化方面也具有一定的能力。对判定复合材料制件是否合格,确定是否变质均有良好的实用价值。 The rapid development of new synthetic materials has posed new challenges to non-destructive testing, especially to ultrasonic testing, and has promoted the innovation of ultrasonic testing technology. New materials, especially non-metallic materials, are increasingly used in ultrasonic testing. Non-destructive testing of fiber reinforced composites, structural ceramic materials and new concrete materials is a hot topic at home and abroad. As there will be a special discussion on the ultrasonic testing of concrete materials, this article only outlines the ultrasonic testing technology of fiber reinforced composites, structural ceramic materials and other non-metallic materials, and focuses on the application of new ultrasonic testing technology. Ultrasonic testing of composite materials In the non-destructive testing of fiber-reinforced composites, ultrasonic testing is the most widely used technique. It not only can detect defects such as delamination, pores, cracks and inclusions, but also has certain ability in distinguishing looseness, density difference, elastic modulus, thickness and other characteristics and geometric changes. To determine whether the qualified composite parts, to determine whether metamorphism have good practical value.
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观看爱人照片时,志愿者大脑中负责判断和推理的大脑皮层前额叶皮层活跃度降低。这意味着他们对对方不再怀疑或持批评态度。这或许就是常说的“爱情使人变傻”。  有人说“恋爱中的人智商为零”。尽管这种说法略显夸张,英国研究人员却通过大脑扫描证实了它的真实性。当人坠入爱河后,脑组织的确会发生一些变化,使当事人难以做出合理的判断,而随之而来的身体化学物质的改变使得本就不理智的爱情更加盲目。  大腦图像显示爱情是