一柄神杖,源于埃及神话,喻意通商带来经济繁荣;一把金钥匙,意指开启国门。两者交叉,构成了中国海关的标志。在那庄严的辉煌中,有一份信息化带来的金色。在过去的7年中,中国海关信息基础设施的投入以每年30%的速度增长,累计投入近6亿元;在未来的几年里,投入的资金将会翻番。据粗略估计,海关系统尚需采购6000台服务器、1.5万台 PC终端机、15TB 的磁盘、500套网络设备,将全国300多座海关建设成具有国际先进水平的关口。
A rod of God stems from the Egyptian mythology, which brings prosperity to the economy; a golden key means to open the country. Crossing the two forms the hallmark of China’s customs. In that solemn glory, there is a golden information brought. Over the past seven years, the investment in China’s customs information infrastructure has been growing at a rate of 30% a year, with a total investment of nearly 600 million yuan. In the next few years, the amount invested will double. According to a rough estimate, the customs system still needs to purchase 6000 servers, 15,000 PC terminals, 15TB disks and 500 sets of network equipment, and build over 300 customs offices across the country into international advanced standards.